August 26, 2008

Basic Rules In Marketing


Rule 1.

Marketing is important stage must lead to increased sales.

what really matters in your ways of marketing. Is that helped the company sell more products. it's that simple. In other words, marketing is the way you create and distribute messages to get people's attention so you can convince them to buy more of your products or services.

Rule 2.
Plan a Little and Do a Lot More.

We can classified marketing people into two groups: Planners and Doers.
The Planners: They are endearing for their need to always "have a plan." They think, analyze, request more data and then reassess their assessment. Then something changes! After a moment of panic and deep breathing, they get to work. They go back to the plan and test their assumptions, review their contingencies and are quite proud to report that the plan is still workable "with a few tweaks.". they plan and plan and plan but actually don't do very much. Of course Planners are important and we need them, Without them the Doers will be in big problems, it's like a body with out their head!

The Doers: they on the other hand, must be doing something. Doesn't matter what they do, the most important thing that they are doing something, Anything. It doesn't matter what they do as long as they are "moving " and "making progress." They have great ideas, and are excited and energetic. They are generally fun to be around. Because of the infectious spirit of the Doers.
The issue is whether the Doers are doing the right things. Are they consistent with the strategy and business objectives? Are they integrating with other activities going on? Are their activities repeatable? Can they grow over time?

The point is, you need both Planners and Doers in order to get things done. The biggest issue - the lack of balance between strategy and tactics.
You need a strategy must be practical, and tactics must be integrated.

Rule 3.
Know What's Your Goals

one of the first questions you need to ask Before you start any marketing project is "What are our goals? What are we trying to accomplish?"
one of the most important questions you must be asked to your self. with this questions you will know what to do, showing to you if you've been successful, if you are worked right .

How can you choose between the two approaches if you don't have a clear understanding of what you're trying to accomplish? Without knowing your goals, you have no basis to evaluate your options. That means you can't make decisions effectively. On top of that, you can't evaluate the results of your project - because it isn't clear what you were trying to accomplish in the first place.

Rule 4.
Choose Your Priorities.

you must know Which option/s helps you reach the objective.
How to reach the objective:
• Faster?
• For less money?
• With better results?

Prioritization doesn't have to be complicated and doesn't have to take a lot of time. Try following these simple steps next time you're faced with a difficult prioritization challenge.

• Brainstorm a list of everything you'd like to accomplish in order to achieve
your objectives.
• Outline the potential impact of each activity on the business objective.
• Estimate the cost of each activity (time, money and resources).
• Evaluate the likelihood of success.
• Identify the activities that provide the biggest return on investment (ROI).
• Prioritize the activities according to their ROI.

Having laid out an articulate, well thought out assessment of the options, you have done everything in your power to help the organization pick the problem they want to solve. Rest assured - there will always be more problems to solve. Can you think back to a situation where prioritization would have helped you more effectively achieve your objective? I know I can.

Next lesson in "Basic Rules In Marketing"

Rule no.5 study your customers and Get ready to Know them.
Rule no.6 it's the most important thing ……
And other new rules.

See you in the next lesson.


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